How to Exploit and Utilize Local Data Treasures
// Webinar
Machine fleets, plants and local sensor networks require digital signals in order to function. These signals are generated and recorded by local control systems. The exploitation of these signals uncovers true data treasures, which offer enormous potential for process optimization, anticipatory action, digital decision support and automated workflows. How can you dig up your own local data treasure?
How can your data be made usable? How do automated reports facilitate your daily process routine? How does data support targeted decisions?
Find out more in a joint webinar with our partner companies INSYS Microelectronics and EFW Automation.
Past Dates
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// Register for Webinar
Registration for the webinar “How to Exploit and Utilize Local Data Treasures “
- Register for the webinar using the form below
- Before the webinar you will receive the access information by email
- The access information includes a link with which you can log in to the webinar
- Throughout the webinar you can ask questions that will be answered thoroughly during the online event
System Requirements
- You need a PC with speakers and an Internet connection
- Supported browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox